Maybe I'm being dramatic (2024)

Maybe I’m being dramatic brings together a collection of existing and newly commissioned work by Lauren Hamilton. Combined, this work reflects on the artist's experience of living with endometriosis and the challenges of receiving such a diagnosis.

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of it, commonly on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic organs. Responding to hormonal shifts, this misplaced tissue triggers inflammation, scarring, and adhesion formation, resulting in excruciating pain and potential fertility challenges. The emotional weight carried by women grappling with endometriosis—ranging from frustration and exhaustion, to anxiety and depression—serves as a poignant backdrop for Hamilton's work. Through a powerful blend of photography and moving image, Hamilton sheds light on the distresses and resilience of those negotiating this under diagnosed and often misunderstood condition. Navigating the erratic nature of symptoms, the arduous path to diagnosis, and the complex treatment regimens, viewers are invited to immerse themselves into a raw and intimate landscape of female suffering.

Maybe I’m being dramatic engages the audience through medical aesthetics, where dismissive attitudes collide with the stark reality of physical agony. Hamilton's visual narrative—from the vulnerability of the gown to the clinical coldness of speculum—evokes a visceral response, unravelling the intricate tapestry of pain and emotion woven throughout her imagery. Each piece serves as a testament to the unyielding spirit of women grappling with endometriosis, offering a glimpse into the profound depths of female resilience amidst a backdrop of unspoken agony.

This exhibition is commissioned by Mothering Spaces, which is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland. Curated by Chloe Maguire.

Lauren Hamilton is an Irish visual artist based in Kildare who specialises in photography and moving image. She graduated with a First Class Honours in BA of Photography from TU Dublin. The realms of psychology, philosophy and mythology have always been an interest to Lauren, often intertwining with her practice. Through the lens, Lauren creates metaphysical landscapes, inviting viewers into intimate spaces that blur the boundaries between the real and imaginary, the personal and universal. Her work aims to shed light on challenging topics and bring them into everyday discourse. She held her first solo exhibition, Where Shadows Speak (2023) in N0.8 Gallery in Kildare. Her graduate work Hystera was acquired by the OPW, and she was long-listed for the RDS Visual Arts Awards.

Mothering Spaces is a platform exploring themes of maternity and issues around female health through research, exhibition making and artist publishing.

With special thanks to Giovanni from GalleryX, Ed and Jim from Inspirational Arts, The Arts Council of Ireland, Newbridge Signs, the moving image participants: Emma Smullen, Georgia Duff, Rowan O’Brien, Úna Florent McGreehan, Wale Aki, Megan Stewart, Ben Flanagan, friends and family.